Time Travel: VE Day!
“Germany Surrenders”
“It’s All Over”
“It’s V-E Day!”
The headlines and crowds shouted the good news. The war in Europe was finally over! This week marks the 70th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day.
Only in my imagination can I guess what that felt like the world over–the joy that came at a staggering price. At least we have pictures, recordings, and some precious folks who lived through it to tell us. Here are a few of those reminders.

New York City, May 7, 1945 (AP Photo/Tom Fitzsimmons) I’ve stood in Times Square, but it was nothing like this day! -Alison
Video: The History Channel’s World War II in HD
How about you? How do you think you would’ve celebrated? And if you remember that day, tell us about it!