
(Written this last weekend.)

There are some moments in life that require you to simply sit back and take it in. Nothing else is needed.

David and I have made a quick getaway to Fort Davis, Texas. If you’re not familiar with this part of Texas, it’s far from where most Texans call home. Think of most of the major cities here (Fort Worth, Austin, etc.), tack on five or six hours of driving west from each, and then you’ll be within an hour or so of here. And you think I’m exaggerating.

The landscape is a poster child for what many Americans think all of the state looks like: rugged mountains, vast vistas. The perfect setting for a good ol’ western movie. In fact, the James Dean classic Giant was filmed not far from here. Ironically, most Texans have never been to the so-called Trans Pecos. I’ll own up to it, too; I had never been lucky enough to experience this area until I moved from Texas to New Mexico and then came for a visit. I’m making up for lost time.

Right now we’re on a mountain overlooking wheat-colored plains on one side, mountain valleys audacious enough to claim both edgy wildness and lush beauty on another, a historic military fort, and an incredible observatory. The breeze grazing my cheeks softens the harsh distant thunder in my ears. The scent of rain hangs delicately. The crickets purr their lullaby.

So for now I’ll simply absorb and enjoy.