by Alison

Sad Review Week

As you may know, I post a review the second Monday of each month. Anne of Green Gables (both books and the TV miniseries) starred in this month’s review, and I began writing the post early last week.

Millions of readers and fans of the miniseries have loved Anne, Diana, Marilla, Gilbert and all the rest for over a century. I started rereading the books recently. They’re even better now than when my dear friend, Courtney, introduced me to the miniseries and books back in the 80s.

But late last week came shocking news: The iconic Gilbert Blythe actor, Jonathan Crombie, died unexpectedly of a brain hemorrhage last week. It’s so sad for his family, friends, and Anne fans the world over.

So, I’ll suspend the usual review format this week in remembrance of Mr. Crombie. Thanks for the memories.

Related link: Jonathan Crombie


Got Fear? Three Ways to Handle It

What are you afraid of? What makes you worry?

Josie, the heroine of my current novel-in-progress, wouldn’t admit it, but she fears a lot of things. The very flying that she adores, letting her family down, loving again… I’d best shush from telling all her secrets or else she won’t speak to me for awhile.

The truth is, most of us carry more anxiety than we realize or care to acknowledge.

I know I did.

Few people know this, but, for a couple of months many years ago, anxiety trapped me in its web.

Maybe it was the newness of working with a local hospice and the realities that come along for the difficult ride. Maybe it was other things. Either way, those were some of the longest weeks of my life. Every little physical “symptom” became something to worry and obsess over. Twice I ended up in the ER with tangible symptoms that my anxiety created.

I prayed. I prayed a lot. That helped, but then something else happened.

A godly woman who’d been through something similar recognized what was going on. She sat me down and gave me my diagnosis: “You have anxiety.” The worry itself had become the problem, rivaling any real boogey man. Over the next half hour she shared her story. The light bulb went off in my head, and the peace flooded my heart.

Yes, I did have anxiety, and I also had God. It was going to be okay. And it was. Exposed and robbed of its power, the anxiety slinked away.noun_4619_cc

I’m glad I had that experience. I can say that honestly. God used it to bring me closer to Him. I came out stronger and wiser, and it has served me well.

That’s not to say that I’m immune to relapse or am a mental health professional, but God taught me a thing or two about dealing with anxiety. Perhaps there’s a nugget of helpfulness here for you or someone you care about.

1. Nip it in the bud. Spending time with God each day–real, quality time–helps head off gripping anxiety. Praying, reading the Bible, and sincerely giving over the day’s worries keeps our eyes on Him and keeps us from relying on our own strength.  Yes, bad things may happen still, but which way would we rather face challenges: with God or without?

2. Set an alarm clock. Do you ever not even realize you’re worrying excessively about something? It can be easy to ignore the soundtrack of anxieties that’s set on repeat in the background of our hearts. Ask God to alert you, like an alarm clock, to anything that fuels anxiety. This can prevent the worry from accelerating into a runaway train.

3. Nurture relationships. Anxiety festers in isolation. The worrier might feel embarrassed or ashamed of their anxiety. Godly friends and loved ones who care and hold us accountable can help deflate the worry. They can also throw that lifeline of objectivity and perspective.

The world is a scary, wonderful place. There’s a lot to worry about if we allow ourselves. Anxiety itself doesn’t have to be one of them.

Related verses:

Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62:8 (NIV)

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


Time Travel: A Flight Line Easter

Happy Day-After-Easter! Did you have a good Easter Sunday?

Last week I played a little with my newest research toy, The Portal to Texas History, which I wrote about in this post. A great picture popped up. It shows four women “somewhere in Texas” on Easter Sunday, 1944.

Photo courtesy of 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum - Abilene, Texas

Photo courtesy of 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum – Abilene, Texas

I don’t know their story or where their rambling took them. I do know that it reminds me of the women in my current work-in-progress, Wild Blue Yonder. Here’s a sneak peek at the draft, where we find Josie and friends Maggie and Otto on a pensive Easter Sunday morning at Avenger Field:

Small clusters of cadets, officers, and other staff dotted the far edge of the flight line, mostly shadows in the bluing darkness. As they hurried to the crowd for windbreak, Josie glanced over her shoulder toward the east. Pink tinged the horizon. God was about to serve up another morning. She’d never grow tired of those sunrises, those sunsets. Especially the sunsets, when she felt more alive, more awake to enjoy it. She blinked, still bleary-eyed.

As they joined a small group of friends, she did a little jig, hoping to warm up. Before long the booming male voice of the chaplain broke the calm of hushed conversation. “Let us begin with prayer. Our Father…”

While his prayer droned, Josie sneaked a peek past the chaplain’s shoulder. The light kept coming from the land. It reached up and over the rolling, open plains. Stretched to the craggy hills off to the south. Kept climbing to the sky and out to her. Was this beauty what Mitch witnessed every day, in heaven? Did Jesus see a sunrise like this that first Easter morning? Despite rapid blinking a tear blazed a trail down her cheek. She let it fall unchecked.

Another thought invaded. Pete loved sunrises, the crazy rooster. What was he doing right now? Could he see this same sunrise? Great. More grief.

After a few minutes and during a hymn, those first bright rays seared the dark and jabbed her eyes. She had to clamp her eyes shut under its brilliance. But her nose warmed a smidgen, then the rest of her face. She joined the singing. Her face felt good with the exercise.

Their voices carried far across the flight line. The thawing of the land couldn’t make their breath invisible. She peered at the group around her, past Maggie, past Otto. With each exhale it looked like dozens of tiny steam engines sighing. She grinned. Trying not to appear conspicuous, she swung her gaze to the other side of the crowd. Warmth filled her. The crowed absorbed some of her hollow grief, just a little.

The hymn ended. As the last note faded into the golden sky, movement caught her from the corner of her vision. She jerked her head. There, hurrying away from the huddled group. Betts? Chill ran through her. What was that snake doing here? Then came the shame. What was it about her that set her off so easily? The mental list grew long, sure. But did it have to? She closed her eyes. At once a mind’s eye picture flashed. Betts scurrying away, but she didn’t walk alone. Jesus matched her stride, his comforting arm holding her steady.

She snapped her eyes open. So Jesus cared about even someone like Betts? She chewed on the thought for a moment. Her own unspoken words started to sound ridiculous. Of course Jesus loved “someone like Betts.” Her cheeks puffed with a blown breath and she shifted. It might take her longer to feel the same. She held too many sorrows in her heart today to make room for the unpleasantness of Betts.

“Thank you.” The whispered words in her hear jarred her thoughts and made her jump an inch.

Josie chuckled to herself and looked at Maggie. She knew what she meant and leaned sideways into her friend for a moment. “You’re welcome, Mags.” A few heads around them turned to frown their disapproval for the disruption.

The words of the chaplain’s sermon rose with feeling, warmth matching the dawning day. He held his notes loosely and gestured with them. Then a West Texas wind gust swooshed from the east and scooped his notes, scattering them like confetti. The chaplain and those in front grabbed in vain for the dozen or so papers. Otto couldn’t help adding a “Hee heee!” of delight.

Josie stood, transfixed, and watched the papers fly to freedom. The chaplain had held them in his possession. He had ordered them just so, as he wanted them. Then nature dallied with him, on its whim. Almost made a joke of his sham of control over this morning. His careful planning all for naught. Sympathy stretched from her soul toward his dance to grab what he could.

Josie watched as some of the papers remained in flight, out of the reach of the helpers. The strengthening sun touched a few of them just right. She looked down at the packed ground. Those papers cast shadows, here and there. It struck her as a beautiful chaos, like the paper tube kaleidoscopes she’d peered through at the Taylor County Fair. The breeze kept the dance going for a several moments, some staying far, some flying away. The shadows kept bearing witness. Josie felt odd. It would stick in her memory as one of the prettiest things she’d ever seen.

The chaplain gave up with a sheepish smile. He waved his arms to conduct the congregation in a final hymn.

How about you? Tell us about a memorable Easter you’ve had.

Related link: 12th Armored Division Memorial Museum

Good contest!

All of you make me smile. Last week I threw down a haiku challenge, and you stepped up to the plate. Kudos!

Oh, before I announce the results, here’s another announcement: I’ve been asked to add an email subscription option. Ta-da…It’s here, thanks again to the wonderful David. I’d be honored if you’d add your email to the list that’s in the top right corner of the page. You’ll get no spam, but you will receive the weekly posts in your inbox.

Photo credit: Princess Theater

Photo credit: Princess Theater


Overall Winner: Kerri!

Coffee please, cream two sugars.
As I was saying

Filling one line with only one word? That’s hard core. You get the bragging rights and my eternal respect. Congratulations.

Reality Check Award: Ruth

They give me water
and drink coffee and their teas
can you say unfair?

Tellin’ it like it is. Word.

Purist Award: Sarah

Coffee in hand, they
sit. Stories in heart they tell.
A tree’s memories.

Sarah includes elements of traditional haiku that pay tribute to this classic art form.

Humor Award: Doddering Dad (a.k.a. Joel)

Eternal respect?
Shoulda seen me, I was young
Now just really broad

You’ve always made me chuckle, Daddy. =)

Spirit of Haiku-Off Award: David and Daniel

My name is David
and I drink girly coffee
I smell like a goat

My name is Daniel
I pick my nose in public
Purple platypus

I jealously watch
As they hold their espresso
But I don’t have thumbs

The smell is so nice
I wish I could taste coffee
But I am a tree

David smells so nice
He smells nothing like a goat
He is my hero

These Wonder Twins (they’re so going to love me for that) dazzled with their fierce haiku battle. I came close to snapping my fingers and flashing a dagger a la West Side Story.

So, there you have it.

Until next time, keep writing

Keep haikuing (smile)

Good Morning, Part Deux, Plus a Contest

My good friend Kerri and I chat while we sit in our local coffee house’s side courtyard. It’s a delicious, chilly overcast morning, and the conversation flows as easily as the river water that slips over nearby Tansill Dam. We pause and admire the aged mulberry tree that watches over we temporary residents. Nothing new about the admiration. This thick-trunked tree garners many fans who visit the coffee house, and my membership in that club spans years. Kerri leans back and glances up at the sheltering finger-like branches. She comments before sipping her chai, “You should write something from the perspective of that tree.”

Hmmm. Good idea, friend. And we haven’t had a Haiku-athon (or Haikuapalooza or a Haiku-Off, for Zoolander fans) in awhile, so I think we’re due.  I’ll post mine, and see what you come up with. Please post your 5-7-5 in the comments.  The winner, chosen by a secretive judging process known only to me (ahem), will be announced next Monday. The prize? Bragging rights and my eternal respect.

First, a picture of the trunk.

Photo credit: Focus on Carlsbad magazine,

Photo courtesy of Focus on Carlsbad magazine /

Here’s mine:

I’ve waited decades

Coffee just out of my reach

Can I have a sip?

Your turn!

Want to know more about this tree? Here you go: Blue House tree article (Thank you, Kyle Marksteiner!)